This guide will help determine if and why SmartFlow is underperforming and troubleshooting steps you can take prior to contacting support. 

Slowness issues within SmartFlow (iPad or Web) -listed below are areas to check if you are experiencing slowness or syncing issues within SmartFlow: 

1. Internet speed

  • Depending on the clinic size, and amount of iPads used, we recommend a download speed of 5 Mbps. Consider how many devices are used at one time. If you only work with 1-2 iPads, 5 Mbps will be more than enough. 

  • Internet speed can also vary within the clinic from one location to another. If you are noticing slowness within a specific device, consider the distance from the router. 

  • If you are experiencing slowness on a specific iPad or laptop, check the Wi-Fi signal on the device. The Wi-Fi indicator will show you how strong the connection is. 
  • Try resyncing the iPad or refreshing the browser on the laptop.
  • You could also try rebooting the device
    • See more information on resyncing and rebooting HERE
  • Ping Tests will inform you if you are having problems with sending/receiving data packets. 
    • You may need to walk around the hospital while running the ping test to identify what locations are experiencing problems with sending/receiving data packets. 
    • Ping Test on Laptop

    • Ping Test on iPad 

  • If all devices are experiencing slowness, you may want to try restarting your router/modem. See more information HERE

If you are experiencing issues with any of the above items, please contact your IT team for further assistance. 

2. Hardware and Software

3. Old Flowsheets
  • If there are hospitalized patients who have been admitted to SmartFlow whiteboard for more than 14 days, it can cause slowness within SmartFlow. 
  • We recommend discharging any patients that are not currently in your clinic. 
  • If the patient is truly staying for longer than 14 days, we recommend discharging after day 14 and readmitting. 
    • See more information on how to readmit HERE.

If you were not able to resolve issues with the above information, please reach out to the Support Team and provide the following: 
  • Internet Speed Test Results: PC / laptop or iPad 

  • Ping Test results: 

  • If the issue is related to a specific device or iPads provide the following: 

    • iPad IOS

    • Version of SmartFlow application on iPad

  • If the issue is related to specific information not syncing please provide the following information: 
    • Patient First and last name
    • Specific treatments that are not syncing (date and time of treatments) 
    • Was information completed on iPad or Web
    • If information was completed on iPad please provide the iPad IOS and SmartFlow app version on specific iPad.