IDEXX Cornerstone

How can I have a charge associated with a Vitals?
Usually, when you set up Vitals in SmartFlow, they are synced to be nonbillable items in Cornerstone as it's described in How to set up vitals in SmartF...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:11 PM
How to set up Weight Vitals to be correctly synced with Cornerstone?
Vitals set up process in SmartFlow requires to have two things managed: Cornerstone Events toggled to On and Picker type set to Vitals (more about it you ca...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:11 PM
How to set up Vitals in SmartFlow?
To have vitals correctly synced and transferred between Cornerstone and SmartFlow, it's crucial to set up everything prior due to the instructions below...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 12:52 PM
Can I enter the future vital's execution to have it appeared in Cornerstone?
The answer is surely yes! You can enter values for any future vitals presented on the specific day/flowsheet before its actual execution and will have it ...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:12 PM
Why are Vitals missing in SmartFlow?
If you created any new Vital Sign item or edited it in Cornerstone, please be aware that this item will not automatically appear in SmartFlow. You will need...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:13 PM
How to enter weight to have it transferred into the Vitals section of Cornerstone?
When you have a patient admitted to your SmartFlow account and would like to enter weight so it will be transferred to EMR from Monitoring sections, some ma...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:14 PM
How Vitals executed in SmartFlow appear in Cornerstone?
As soon as you have checked the patient in from Cornerstone to SmartFlow, its Cornerstone Vital Signs section are empty: To fill them, please go to yo...
Fri, 18 Dec, 2020 at 6:43 AM
How do I synchronize changes in the Cornerstone Vital Sign list to SmartFlow?
If you have set up a vital sign in SmartFlow and then you change the options for that vital sign in Cornerstone, you will have to unmap and remap this vital...
Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:15 PM
How do I get my patient photo from SmartFlow into Cornerstone?
Now, you can manually download a patient photo from SmartFlow and upload it into your Cornerstone (if you do not want to set up an automatic upload by follo...
Wed, 11 Nov, 2020 at 7:34 AM
How to set up Auto Check-in / Out with Cornerstone?
By using the Cornerstone - SmartFlow Check-in / Out integration, the patient can be smoothly checked-in and out of SmartFlow based on your actions in Corner...
Wed, 2 Dec, 2020 at 5:27 AM