General Information

What is the difference between Practice Management Software and a Patient Management Software?
A Practice Management Software can be used daily within a practice to monitor and manage things like these:  Appointment/Boarding calendars Patie...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 8:26 PM
How to enter Fluids without Billing?
If you would like to have the information or initials to be put into a cell for fluids without having to bill the item each time, you can use the following ...
Wed, 12 Feb, 2020 at 12:19 AM
How do I map Inventory after importing it from PIMS/EMR?
To map inventory items (parameters) in SmartFlow, please open the manager's account, access Settings > Parameters, then scroll down to see unmapped i...
Thu, 6 Aug, 2020 at 12:23 PM
Why a photo from the Form doesn't transfer to the patient picture?
This depends on the form you're using and where the patient was created. Only forms designed to create a new patient (that have Show on Main Screen ...
Thu, 5 Sep, 2019 at 7:21 AM
How can I change the number of Flowsheets created per patient if my account is integrated?
The number of Flowsheets that can be created for a patient in the SmartFlow system should be set in the integrated PIMS/EMR's settings (for example, def...
Wed, 30 Sep, 2020 at 11:19 AM
Why are patient reports not attaching to PIMS?
If you are integrated with PIMS, but none of your patients had patient's records attached after the discharge, the reason could be related to the abilit...
Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 at 9:39 AM
How do I set up Vitals to get them synced between my PIMS/EMR and SmartFlow?
To have vitals correctly synced and transferred between your PIMS/EMR and SmartFlow, it's crucial to set up everything prior due to the instructions bel...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2025 at 12:03 PM
How could I correct Patient File Number and sync the Patient Information from PIMS?
The red banner over the patient's Flowsheet stating that the Patient with the specified File Number isn't found in your PIMS/EMR may appear due to s...
Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 at 5:21 AM
How Do I Add Treatments to an Anesthetic Sheet from an Estimate?
If your PIMS integration already supports Estimates transfer to SmartFlow (e.g. Cornerstone, AVImark, ImproMed), you can add treatment from Estimate not onl...
Wed, 1 Jul, 2020 at 11:15 AM
How to change the connected EMR account in SmartFlow.
If you plan on switching your EMR, please contact SmartFlow Support immediately! If you are in the process of changing your practice management softw...
Thu, 24 Mar, 2022 at 12:02 PM