Please view the following video to see a demonstration on how the Anesthetic Sheet works:

* Please note that the attached video is an illustration and is subject to change as our product evolves!

Also, for your convenience, we have introduced a feature providing the ability to display a table view of the Anesthetic Sheet, whereby numerical values are displayed instead of the symbol/graph version of the anesthetic sheet (please find more details HERE). This functionality is extremely useful when using the anesthetic sheet for monitoring patients receiving a blood transfusion, or critical/recovery patients.

A few things to note about this feature:

  • To enter the numbers you need to tap on the first cell, and then enter the values.

  • You will automatically be prompted to enter the next value, as per the flowsheets; without having to manually select each parameter individually.

  • When finalizing the Anesthetic Sheet, it will finalize in whichever mode you are currently using, effectively like taking a screenshot.

Here is a video where Dr. Ivan clearly demonstrates this functionality:

Please note that the attached video is an illustration and is subject to change as our product evolves!

We hope you found this information useful!