What parameter information can be saved in the Treatment Template?
Modified on: Mon, 3 Jan, 2022 at 7:29 PM
By creating a Treatment Template, you can save many details of the treatment protocol for future use. Please read below what information can be stored in the template and which should be re-entered for each patient specifically.
Monitoring, Activity, Procedure
For the parameters in the Monitoring, Activity, and Procedure sections, you can always save the processing frequency - Continue Every (hour), Critical Values, Instructions, and highlighting color. Start time can only be saved for the Fixed Time templates (please find more details HERE), for Non-Fixed Time templates it depends on the flowsheet beginning time and will be different from what you have saved. The Billing option cannot be saved in the treatment template, and will always be set according to the default setting for each particular parameter:

Diet parameter enables you to save also the RER calories, Condition factor, and Total food calories. However, the Diet Type, WET or DRY, Calories per cup/can and Calories Per feeding will not be saved as these parameters should be adjusted for each patient individually:
NOTE: Start time can only be saved for the Fixed Time templates (please find more details HERE), for Non-Fixed Time templates it depends on the flowsheet beginning time and will be different from what you have saved. The Billing option cannot be saved in the treatment template, and will always be set according to the default setting for each particular parameter.
For the Fluids, in addition, it is also possible to save ONE Additive medication (the template save feature does not allow multiple additives to be saved - recommend putting instructions in and saving when wanting multiple additives), whereas Maintenance Rate, Sx Rate, and dehydration parameters should be entered individually for each patient and cannot be saved in the template:
NOTE: Start time can only be saved for the Fixed Time templates (please find more details HERE), for Non-Fixed Time templates it depends on the flowsheet beginning time and will be different from what you have saved. The Billing option cannot be saved in the treatment template, and will always be set according to the default setting for each particular parameter.
The above also applies to Medications. Moreover, you can be sure that Concentration, medication Route, Dosage, and CRI are all stored in the template. However, the Total dose cannot be saved because it is a calculated value that depends on the patient's weight. In addition, the Show on the Flowsheet option will always be set according to the general clinic's settings. So you can change it for any medication on the flowsheet, but you cannot save these changes on the treatment template:

NOTE: Start time can only be saved for the Fixed Time templates (please find more details HERE), for Non-Fixed Time templates it depends on the flowsheet beginning time and will be different from what you have saved. The Billing option cannot be saved in the treatment template, and will always be set according to the default setting for each particular parameter.
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