IMPORTANT: We are not currently connecting any new customers. If you previously linked during the BETA phase of the anesthetic monitor integration, that program has been discontinued. Please be aware that our support team can only assist with how-to questions. Unfortunately, we can no longer provide technical assistance for issues encountered aside from the steps documented here: Troubleshooting: What if the surgery monitor is not working properly? Additionally, we no longer provide technical support for the Surgery Admin panel issues. Any other connection difficulties you will need to contact your IT services to resolve them.
This FAQ will show you how to quickly uninstall and reinstall the Surgery Admin App.
1. First, you will need to go onto the computer that has the app installed on it. Open up the Surgery Admin App and unregister all of the monitors that you currently have registered by selecting each Monitor and then clicking on the UNREGISTER MONITOR button (please find more details HERE):

2. Now, there are two ways to go about it from here, the first is the quickest method and the second is a manual uninstall and reinstall. Try this quick method first and if that doesn't work, try the second, manual method.
- Click on the REPORT A PROBLEM button down at the bottom right of the window and then select RESET APPLICATION:

- It will confirm that you want to restart the application, so simply hit OK through the next couple of screens. Close the application and then re-open it again. When you do, you will see that your account is now logged out and you will have to re-enter your Email ID - Smart Flow account email and Password. Remember, this is the email that your main hospital account is registered with Smart Flow:

- Once you log back in, you should be able to re-register your monitors and set them up again. You should be good to try the monitor connection again once they are registered.
NOTE: If resetting the application does not work, or you need to manually uninstall and reinstall the application, follow the instructions below.
- Once all of the Monitors have been successfully unregistered (see step 1), then you can uninstall the Surgery Admin App. To do this, click on the START MENU in the corner, and search for UNINSTALL. You should be able to find in the System Settings the ability to Add or Remove Programs:

- In the Remove Programs panel, scroll down till you find the Surgery Admin Application, click on it and then click UNINSTALL: 
- It will take a few minutes for the application to be removed:

3. Once the app is removed, close out, and then go into the downloads folder or find the Zip file that contains the file to re-download the Surgery Admin App. Open up the file and click on Setup.exe to re-run the install wizard and to reinstall the Surgery Admin App:

- Once you click on this, you will see the installer open up and you can click through the steps to reinstall the application:

- You will need to enter the Installation Code which is: Z365-OID, keep clicking through next and allow the application to be installed again. Once that is installed, the Surgery Admin application will open up and you can start again.
4. In the Email Id section type your Smart Flow email address - the one that your account is registered with, and your Password, once you log in with that, you can now proceed to re-register your monitors and try the connection again!
We hope you found this information useful!