Yes, you can! It is possible to update any patient's information, including Problem List, from both the web and the iPad SmartFlow application. For this, please follow the steps below:

From the web

1. Open the patient's flowsheet and click on the pencil icon to Edit Patient :

2. Then type the name of the problem or go through the list. Click on the x sign to delete the option and please note, you can add up to 4 options to the list:

From the iPad

1. Enter the editing mode while in the patient's Flowsheet:

2. Tap in anywhere inside the Patient Information area:


Open the menu (...) and tap on Edit Info:

3. From the Quick Info or Problem List tab, enter the problems to the corresponding fields. To delete options, please tap on it and click in the x sign, so that it will be removed instantly. Once all the changes are made, tap Save button:

Just like in the web version, on iPad you are also able to add only 4 options to the Problem List.

NOTE: When you add or remove options from Problem List on both the web and the iPad versions, it will change the problem list on ALL flowsheets. For example, if on the second day a patient has Diarrhea and you add that to the Problem List, it will appear on the 1st day's problem list as well.

We hope you found this information useful!