Yes, changes to the Treatment Template can be made at any time. For example, if you are using the default template for a patient and you think that the changes should be saved as a new Q6 template to be used in the future, please follow the steps below:

From the web

1. Click on the Save As Template option on the right-hand side of the flowsheet:

2. Type the name of the existing template and click Done:

3. Confirm changes in the pop-up window:

NOTE: Please be aware that in some cases you won't be able to change the template because of its Setting:

However, you can unlock editing if necessary, or save the current template under a different name. For this please follow the steps described HERE.


From the iPad

1. Open the Editing Mode by tapping the pencil-like icon in the upper right corner > additional options button (...) > then click on Save As Template: 

2. Type the name of the template you would like to change and press the Save button:

3. You will receive the warning message that you are about to change the existing template, to proceed, click Change:

This will overwrite the current template and will save all medications and highlighting from the current template.

NOTE: Current patients which had the Q6 template active from the beginning of hospitalization will not be affected.

ALSO NOTE: Please be aware that in some cases you won't be able to overwrite the template because of its Setting (in this case you will notice the lock icon next to its name). Please contact your manager to unlock editing as described HERE, save the current template under a different name:

We hope you found this information useful!