What is SmartFlow University?
Modified on: Thu, 26 Nov, 2020 at 6:13 AM
Once a clinic has subscribed for SmartFlow, we provide staff training via our SmartFlow University. HERE is a link to access our training courses. The SmartFlow University consists of short videos followed by some multiple-choice quizzes. The course will only take 1-1½ hours and will help you understand how SmartFlow improves patient care in your practice:

There are multiple courses designed for different staff within the clinic. Each section is designed and developed to suit the needs of the staff members using it. Technicians, receptionists, management, and veterinarians all have specific videos and workshops that we use to train them and give helpful hints on using the program:

There is no time limit for completion of the training, however, we usually recommend completing it within 2 weeks before you go live and start using SmartFlow in your clinic.
Upon completion of the training, your staff members will be issued a certificate and will receive an email with their SmartFlow registration details within 24 hours of completing the course.
Access your certificate by logging in to your personal SmartFlow University account > open Completed Courses tab on the left side > and then click View Certificate on the right side of the course you completed:

That will open the certificate in a new tab and you can either print it from the browser by using the Print icon in the top right corner or download it using the Download icon and print it later from your Downloads folder.
NOTE: The training course remains available indefinitely once completed and is a handy resource that can be referred to at any point in the future:

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