How do I add multiple medications to CRI?
Modified on: Thu, 2 Apr, 2020 at 6:01 AM
If you need to add multiple medications such as MLK or FLK to your template, it's necessary to create a new parameter with the Default Section - Fluid:
Then add it to the flowsheet as shown below:
From the web
Click the + button next to the Fluid section title > search for the parameter you would like to add (e.g. MLK) > and click Add button (please find more details on how to add parameters to the flowsheet HERE). Then set up parameter's frequency, Hourly fluid rate, and click More Additives to add multiple medications:
Enter the first additive into the appropriate window, adjust its Concentration and Measure (units/per) depending on the size of the bag you would like to mix it in. Add as much additives as needed, and then click DONE:
Now the additives will be visible from the flowsheet:
From the iPad
Open the flowsheet for the required patient > go to the Editing mode (tap pencil icon in the upper right corner) > tap the + button next to the Fluid section title > search for the parameter you would like to add (e.g. MLK). Then set up parameter's frequency, Hourly fluid rate, and click More Additives to add multiple medications:
Enter the first additive into appropriate window, adjust its Concentration and Measure (units/per) depending on the size of the bag you would like to mix it in. Add as many additives as needed, and then click DONE:
Tap floppy disk icon to exit the Editing Mode. The parameters with additives can be easily distinguished by the bag icon. To see the additives details, please tap on the parameters name:
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