There are two ways to remove a patient from the SmatFlow Whiteboard: discharge when the treatment is complete or delete completely from SmartFlow regardless of treatment progress, as described below. 

From the Web

1. Open the Patient that you want to delete, click the Edit Patient button at the right side of the Flowsheet: 

2. Then on the Patient Information screen, click on the Delete button:

3. After confirmation, the patient will be removed from the Whiteboard and archived:

NOTE: You still be able to access medical records or restore the patient from Archive.

From the iPad

1. Open the required Patient and enter the Editing Mode by taping a pencil icon in the upper-right corner:

2. Tap in anywhere inside the Patient Information area:


Tap on extra options (...) and select Delete Patient:

3. After confirmation, the patient will be removed from the Whiteboard and archived: 

NOTE: You still be able to access medical records or restore the patient from Archive.

We hope you found this information useful!