How do I send staff from Neo to SmartFlow?
Modified on: Tue, 29 Dec, 2020 at 10:42 AM
All you have to do is check the user settings in Neo. Each active users who have the Provider checkbox selected will be sent from Neo to SmartFlow automatically:

NOTE: Neo has 6 user roles: Business Owner, Vet, Nurse, Locum, Receptionist, and Other, associated with the SmartFlow roles as:
Business Owner, Vet, and Locum will become Level 5/ Doctor in SmartFlow;
Nurse, Receptionist, and Other will become Level 3/ Technician.
Please be aware that Neo does not currently have any role related to the SmartFlow Anesthetist. If you add Anesthetist to the Preoperative page in SmartFlow, Neo will not be able to correctly interpret this value and therefore will NOT receive the Anesthetic Sheet and Dental Chart PDFs at the patient's discharge. To avoid this, we warn you to leave the Anesthetist field in Anesthetic Sheet blank, but to fill in only the Doctor field:
We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope to fix it in the nearest future.
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