To get patient automatically send to Smart Flow, please select the Auto-Send to Smart Flow option in General management > Utilities > Integration Setup Wizard:

In order to make sure that the patient has been sent to an appropriate Whiteboard with an appropriate  Treatment Template, please make sure that mapping was performed correctly.

NOTE: If you have the Visit Reasons not linked with the Templates, the patient won't be sent automatically to the Smart Flow. Therefore, if you do not want to use the auto-send feature, you can skip the Visit Reason mapping and send patients manually. You will have a chance to switch on the auto-send option at any time.

This is how it will look at the Appointment scheduler. Click to create a new appointment, input patient and client information, and save the appointment:

Check in the patient to the appointment: 

You will see the pop-up window saying to select Reason

In a few seconds, this patient will be sent automatically to Smart Flow. You will be able to see a notification window in the top right corner saying that the patient has been sent to Smart Flow:

We hope you found this information useful!