How do I sync medications to Cubex from my anesthetic sheet?
Modified on: Mon, 30 Mar, 2020 at 4:29 AM
If you have integration with Cubex and would like to transfer medications from your anesthetic sheet to Cubex please follow the instructions below.
While working with your Preoperative page you can either use the Save button or the Sync with Cubex button. The Save button will redirect you from the Preoperative screen to the Anesthetic page, simultaneously saving all data entered/changed. The Sync with Cubex button, in turn, will keep you on this page and allow you to sync medications to your Dispensing Machine:

NOTE: There are some cases where the Sync with Cubex button is absent or unavailable due to the settings between your SmartFlow and Cubex interfaces (you can find out more about this HERE).
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