If you need to integrate a new parameter from Neo to Smart Flow or you have accidentally deleted mapped parameter and can't find it in Smart Flow (it could be done by clicking on the X button) you have nothing to worry about:

Any parameter could be transferred from your Neo account to Smart Flow in the following way:

1. In Neo, click your name in the menu bar and choose Products:

2. Find needed item and then open it or create a new one by clicking '+Product'

3. When necessary lines are filled out, press Save button at the bottom of the page:

Once the save button is clicked, Neo will automatically sync it with Smart Flow (more about setting up your Neo and Smart Flow integration you can find HERE).

4. Then you could create a new parameter in Smart Flow and map it with Neo parameter. I would also suggest you to read the following FAQ that would be useful in the process of mapping: Mapping your inventory after importing from your EMR.

We hope you found this information useful!