How do I lock editing for a Treatment or Anesthetic Sheet template?
Modified on: Tue, 17 Nov, 2020 at 12:59 PM
We understand the importance of preventing further editing or deleting your original Templates. Therefore, we have created an option that allows you to Lock Editing for any particular template, keeping it protected.
To switch to this option, you should have Manager permissions access to the SmartFlow web application and follow the steps below:
1. From your SmartFlow web account: click on the account icon in the top-right corner of the screen > select Settings > Template tab:

2. Once you click here, a list of all your current Treatment Templates and Anesthetic Sheet Templates will appear. Find the required one, and toggle the Lock Editing option to ON or OFF:

3. Once the toggle for a particular template is switched to ON (see how to use bulk actions HERE), this will prevent the original template from being deleted or edited. You will still have the ability to choose Treatment Template or Anesthetic Sheet Template to add to a patient and make any necessary changes but, you will not be able to save them in the original template. If the template is locked you will notice the lock icon next to its name on both web and iPad.
NOTE: All the changes made to a locked template can only be saved under a new template name. For example, if you use the Default template for Fluffy, you can make changes to Fluffy's flowsheet but you will not be able to save your altered template for Fluffy as Default. It will need to be saved under a different name.
So, now you can be sure that any template you have taken the time to create will not be accidentally changed, deleted or have any items removed.
ALSO NOTE: If you have Business Analytics turned on for templates, they will be locked as well, and it will only be possible to complete them in chronological order.
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