You can rename any template that has been previously created by using the function Save as Template. Open the template that you would like to rename. Listed below are the steps for saving templates on the iPad and web:

From the Web

Go to the list on the right-hand side of patient flowsheet and сhoose Save as Template:

From here enter new Name for the template and click Save

From now this Template will be saved with the new name and thus the old one template can be deleted from the account. For this please open admin Smart Flow web account > go Settings > Treatment Templates > find the unnecessary template > click X to delete > and confirm the action:

From the iPad

Tap on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the patient flowsheet to enter the Editing Mode:

Tap additional options button (...) and then Save as Template:

Rename the template to your choosing and Save:

From now this Template will be saved with the new name and thus the old one template can be deleted from the admin Smart Flow web account, as described above.

We hope you found this information useful!