The SmartFlow Sheet subscription comes with 3 initial logins. Additional logins can be purchased anytime in groups of three (3).
What is a Login?
Every computer that is logged into SmartFlow is using a login
Every additional browser window or tab that has SmartFlow open in it is using a login
Every monitor that is displaying a Whiteboard is using a login
Every iPad running the SmartFlow app is using a login
if you closed the app on iPad it will still count the login as if it is in use for the next 10 minutes
While you will always be using the logins for your whiteboards, leaving computers and iPads logged into SmartFlow while not in use can inflate the number of logins beyond what you really need.
Keeping the number of logins low
To be sure you are always getting the most from the logins that you have purchased, there are a few things you can do to help prevent the need to purchase more:
Always be sure devices in the most commonly used areas are logged in first. Any devices in less commonly used areas should be logged out when not in use. That is a great time to be charging iPads too.
Set your SmartFlow account to auto-logout of any device not being used after a preset time (find more details HERE).
Within each computer using SmartFlow, try not to open more than one window or tab running SmartFlow (eg: one tab viewing the surgery whiteboard, another tab looking at a patient's flow sheet, another tab in SmartFlow setting, etc).
If your staff can't get logged in because there are never enough open logins and the adjustments of your auto-logout settings are not helpful, then you may need to purchase more logins, to see how click HERE.