How can I prepare my existing integration for automatic billing feature?
Modified on: Mon, 27 Jan, 2025 at 12:11 PM
Upgrading your integration to include billing is an exciting step towards eliminating missed charges! If you are an existing customer and your PIMS offers the billing integration with SamrtFlow, please take a look at the following steps to make this implementation go as smoothly as possible.
It is important to take some initial preparation steps to prevent breaking any pre-installed SmartFlow Inventory items along with existing Treatment Templates. Let's make sure you can connect your items from your PIMS as efficiently as possible!
Pair things down and clean them up
The more items you have on your templates, and the more templates you have, the more work this will be. So, take some time to delete those templates you haven't even looked at in a year, and clean up the ones you're keeping!
Make your Treatment Templates work for your PIMS
Name inventory products in SmartFlow the same way as they are in your PIMS so that you can link them easily after the synchronization.
Also, make sure you have items in your templates to track billable items like:
- IV Catheter, Fluid setup, and Fluid bag replacement procedures
- Hospitalizations (q12 or q24)
- Additives and CRIs if applicable
- Dispensing and Administration fees for medications
Please ensure you speak with a SmartFlow staff member about setting these up correctly!
Preserve your current Treatment Templates
As a backup, we recommend you print out or save a copy of any of the templates you wish to continue using. This will help you to restore the initial template view, after adding PIMS inventory to SmartFlow.
To do this:
1. Log into your SmartFlow web account and create a test patient.
2. Select the template you want to save, and apply it to the Flowsheet.
NOTE: Please make sure that the highlighting frequency can be determined from the PDF. To see a full-day highlighting, please make sure that the Treatments begin at time is equal to the Flowsheet start time:

Or add one more treatment day by Add 24 Hours > Copy.
3. Along the bottom of the Flowsheet, click on the Flowsheet PDF and download it to your computer so that you can print it later:

NOTE: Your tasks will NOT appear on the Flowsheet PDF and thus will have to be saved separately. You can do this a few ways:
1. For each Flowsheet you print out, manually write the tasks you have, so you have a record of it.
2. Open the template on an iPad and take a screenshot of it with the tasks displayed to retain a copy.
3. Mark each task as "complete", then save the Medical record as it will record the tasks there.
Upload the linked items from PIMS
Upload your inventory items according to the instructions you received from you onboarding specialist.
Backward map your parameters
After the inventory upload, each SmartFlow parameter will need to be 'mapped' (connected) with the appropriate ezyVet item. To do this, please follow the steps described HERE.
Check your Treatment Templates
Do check over your templates for the first few patients to ensure all is well!
Now sit back and enjoy SmartFlow capturing all those charges for you effortlessly!
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