Why is the start time on my flowsheets wrong the day after Daylight Saving Time?
Modified on: Fri, 30 Oct, 2020 at 4:08 PM
On the day following Daylight Saving Time (DST) you may notice some changes, such as missed hours or two flowsheets with the same date. You will only encounter the first case when the All flowsheets begin at option is set to a specific time, e.g. in a clinic where it's set to begin at 8 a.m., the flowsheets would look like this:

In such a case, the flowsheet begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 7 a.m., encompassing the full 24 hours. If your flowsheets are scheduled to begin at 11 p.m., at midnight or at 1 a.m., you will need some additional information which can be found in THIS article.
On the flowsheet that contains hours for the first day where DST occurs, you will see that the flowsheet accommodates for DST by removing the 2 a.m. hour to Spring Forward or by repeating the 1 a.m. hour (2 a.m. for Australia, New Zealand and Europe) to Fall Back:

Because of this, the flowsheet will now encompass a total of 25 or 23 hours, depending on whether your time zone moved forward or back.
NOTE: The same amount of time is covered on one flowsheet (24 hours), it will just appear different because of the addition or the subtraction of one hour. On the screenshot above, you can see that the flowsheet now begins and ends at 8 a.m.
You will most likely notice the missed hour on the following day when you have Added 24 hours to the flowsheet above. The new flowsheet for the morning of the third day will begin on the hour following the last hour on the previous flowsheet. Because an hour was either added or subtracted, the flowsheet for the third day's morning will reflect this.
For example, this is the day following the flowsheet above, this clinic's flowsheets start time is still set to 8 a.m., but this particular flowsheet now starts at 9 a.m. because 8 a.m. was included on the previous flowsheet:

You can continue working from this flowsheet normally, as the preset time will transfer over properly from the previous flowsheet, just keep in mind that the 8 a.m. hour is on the previous flowsheet.
In case you find this to be confusing for your staff, you can always discharge the patient and start a new flowsheet for Sunday, which will start at the usual time. This will only be relevant for patients staying in hospital on both the day where DST occurs and the following day.
ALSO NOTE: If you try to change a template for a patient which was created before the DST it causes the system to set the time on the patient's flowsheet as per the time before DST. For example, if you Change Template and choose the start time at 8 a.m., the system will set patient's flowsheet at 7 a.m.
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