As you know the mapping procedure is performed to connect the uploaded EMR parameters with Smart Flow, by giving a unique Display Name to the parameters  that already have an EMR Name. However, in some cases, backward mapping may be required (to associate an existing Display Name with the corresponding EMR Name, which for some reason was omitted). To do so please follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Smart Flow web account > Settings > Parameters and find the parameters with a Display Name only: 

2. Open the parameter for editing by double-clicking on its name or using the pencil icon:

3. Click on the EMR Name field (RxWorks Name, as in example above) > find the same parameter uploaded from the EMR > single-click on it to select:

4. Check and correct the Concentration and Billing option for the parameter and click Update:

5. From now the parameter will be mapped correctly, containing both Display and EMR Name: