How do I select multiple whiteboards for a single patient?
Modified on: Wed, 30 Sep, 2020 at 11:25 AM
If it's necessary for the patient to appear on two Whiteboards at the same time (ex. ICU and Surgery), please follow the steps below:
From the Web
To put a patient into multiple whiteboards on the Smart Flow web application, open the required patient > go to Edit Patient > Whiteboard and select multiple whiteboards from the drop-down menu:
After selecting all necessary whiteboards, click on DONE to save all the changes.
From the iPad
1. Enter the editing mode while in the patient's Flowsheet:

Open the menu (...) and tap on Edit Info:

From any Edit Info tab, tap on the Whiteboard field and choose multiple whiteboards by clicking on the check-boxes beside the whiteboard names:

You may discover more on how to use multiple whiteboards in your daily practice HERE.
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