The Constant Rate Infusion (CRI) calculator is a function of the medication calculator that can be used both from the web or iPad. To use this function, you need to have set dilutions that you use for CRI medications. If you always use different dilutions of medications to administer to every patient, it is recommended to use the fluid section for recording these.
Open the flowsheet for the required patient, and click the + button next to the Medication section and search for the medication you would like to Add.

Turn the CRI to YES. Now, where you used to see the frequency of administration, you will see options to set the dosage per day, per hour, or per minute
You can choose to display the CRI medication on the flowsheet as a dosage, total dose, or total volume.
Please note: If you choose to display the CRI medication as total volume, the amount will display in ml/hr, regardless if you have chosen your infusion rate per minute, per hour or per day. This is because each column on the flowsheet represents 1 hour. The calculation is still correct.