There are many ways to view previously saved Notes on both the web and the iPad. Please read this article to find out which ones are most suitable for you.

From the Flowsheet and Anesthetic Sheet 

There are various types of Notes that can be used for each hospitalization, and of course, quite often you need to check them. To do this, please open the patient’s Flowsheet and follow these steps:

If there is the Note for the entire parameter, you will see a gray triangle in the upper right corner of all highlighted cells:

To view this note, click on the cell or tap&hold if from the iPad:

If a Note is  added to a specific treatment cell, due to lack of space you will see only the first few characters: 

To view the full note, simply tap the cell, and a pop-up window will appear:

Notes for the entire treatment, added from the patient's Flowsheet or Anesthetic Sheet, are available through the Notes section:

From the web

From the iPad

On the web

On the iPad

The Note section contains all notes along with the finalized forms. They could be easily distinguished by a specific Forms icon that appears before the note. This icon and line contain a hypertext link allowing you to open this finalized form by simply clicking on it:

From the Medical Records 

All notes will show up on the Medical Record and Notes PDF even before the discharge (please find more details HERE):

We hope you found this information useful!