This document will explain the different ways to edit patient information within SmartFlow. The Patient Information section can easily be edited at any time during the patient's stay from both the web and iPad. 

From the Web

1.Hover over the patient on the Whiteboard and click Edit Patient button:

2. You can also view patient information from the patient's Flowsheet by clicking on the Edit Patient option on the menu to the right of the flowsheet:

3. In the Edit Patient Info window, you can edit current information or add new information, select done to save the changes:

From the iPad

1. Within the patient's Flowsheet, select the pencil in the upper right corner to enter editing mode:

2. Tap anywhere within the patient information area:

3. You can also edit the patient information by selecting the menu (...) option in the upper right corner, then select Edit Info:

4. Here you can add or edit the information within the following sections: Quick Info, General, Patient, Client information, and Problem list. You can jump between the sections by swiping left or right or clicking on the title to jump directly to the desired tab. Click Save in the upper right corner to save the changes: