If you are integrated with Practice Management System and admit a patient via PIMS, it is possible that not all data will populate into the Patient Information section and Forms. It depends on the level of integration of your PIMS and SmartFlow. Although details such as patient name, patient ID, species, owner name, and phone numbers are transferred for most PIMS, some others (e.g. Address and email) may still be unavailable to your PIMS.

As of September 2020, Address and Email will be populated automatically from the following PIMS:

  • IDEXX Cornerstone

  • AVImark

  • ImproMed

  • TripleCrown

  • Hippo Manager

  • Via

  • HVMS

  • DVMManager

  • Stringsoft

  • CompleteClinic

  • ClienTrax

  • VTechPlatinum

  • Intravet

  • Cubex

  • IDEXX Animana

Also, we are working closely with the IDEXX Neo and ezyVet to have this feature available soon.

The SmartFlow team have provided the relevant information to all PIMS partners so that they can start sending Address and Email information over to SmartFlow at check-in. If you are using any other PIMS, you can reach out to them directly to find out where this falls on their roadmap. In the meantime, we recommend you to enter this information manually.

If you have patient information filled out but it's not transferred to the corresponding Form lines, the matter could deal with non default properties used (more about it you can find in Why does patient info not populate into the form?).

We hope you found this information useful!