Occasionally, after you've created a Form and begin to use it, you may find that some data from the Patient Info (like client First/Last Name, Phone Number, Pet's Name, Address: Street, City, State, Zip, and email, etc.) is not populated to the form automatically. If all the data in the Patient Information section is displayed correctly but is still not being transferred to the form, we recommend you try the following steps to resolve this issue.
If you add a custom property to the Form instead of the default one (more on the difference between default and custom properties HERE), this property will not have a direct root to the Patient Info item and will thus remain unpopulated. Therefore, please do not change the default Internal Name for any parameter that should be transferred from the Patient Info into the Form (a detailed list can be found below).
1. For example, let's check the Patient Information. Although it is entered correctly:
We encounter that in the Surgical Consent Form not all the data is transferred properly. While the Last name, Home phone, and Pet's name were auto-filled, the First name was not:
2. From the property settings, it can be seen that the First name property has an incorrect Internal Name (which, by default should be first_name):
Correct property that will be transferred to the form | Incorrect property that will not be transferred |
All we have to do now is set the appropriate default Internal Name for this property:
Section | Possible Title | Internal Name |
Patient Info | Patient name Sex Species Breed Weight Birth Date/DOB Color Cage Number Critical Note/Allergy Microchip ID Rabies Tag Date of Last Weight | pet_name sex species breed weight birth_date color cage_number allergy microchip rabies_tag date_last_weight |
Client Info | First Name Last Name Telephone Alt. Telephone Street 1 Street 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Cell Phone Fax Number Emergency Contact Title | first_name last_name phone_home phone_work street1 street2 city state zip phone_cell fax_number emergency_contact client_title |
General Info | Deposit Patient File Number Custom Resuscitate | deposit_range patient_file_number custom resuscitate |
NOTE: Please be aware that some parameters, such as Sex and Resuscitate, may also have default Internal Values that should not be changed. You can edit the Label as you want it to appear on the form, but the Internal Value must remain unchanged:
for the Sex property![]() | for the Resuscitate property![]() |