Sometimes when creating specific template for each patient you have to adjust workflow tasks. it is possible to delete any task from the list, using both Smart Flow web and iPad versions.

From the web

1. Choose a task you would like to be deleted and click the X button in the upper right corner of it:

2. Then please confirm deletion by pressing OK button:

From the iPad

1. Enter the Editing Mode by tapping on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the screen:

NOTE: If the Workflow tasks are minimized, press the V button to view all of them:

2. Select the tasks you would like to remove by tapping on the empty circles in the upper left corner of the task card > and then Delete button:

NOTE: Each selected item is marked with a blue check mark in the upper left corner. 

3. Confirm the action by clicking Delete button in the pop-up window: 

4. When finished, click the floppy disk icon to exit Editing Mode:

 We hope you found this information useful!