How does SmartFlow and eVetPractice integration work?
Modified on: Thu, 16 Jul, 2020 at 11:20 AM
With the eVetPractice and SmartFlow integration, you will be able to automate Patient creation, Medical Records, and Billing.
Create a Patient in SmartFlow
From the patient page of your eVetPractice account, click Create SmartFlow Sheet:

This will automatically create a new patient in SmartFlow Whiteboard.
Discharge a Patient from SmartFlow
When the patient is ready to be discharged please follow THESE steps in SmartFlow, and then all of the medical records will be exporting to eVetPractice automatically. You can find them under the Treatments, Notes, and Documents sections of the patient page in eVetPractice:

Also, any items which are marked as Inventory (and set up as billing items in the SmartFlow) will be automatically added to the patient invoice. To access the invoice, please go to the Checkout Client from the patient page of your eVetPractice account:

Here is also a video tutorial on how SmartFlow and eVetPractice working together:
* Please note that the attached video is an illustration and is subject to change as our product evolves!
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