The first step once you have the Whiteboard on your TV is to expand it to make it full-screen (please find more details HERE):

In order to display the Whiteboard to show the columns on your TV properly, you may need to zoom in/outThe correct display will show 9 boxes to the right of each patient (as in the screenshot above).

To zoom in, hold down Ctrl or Command and the + button, while to zoom out, hold down Ctrl or Command and the button. 

In full screen mode, SmartFlow will resize the display of patients in order to display them all on one screen. You can determine how many patients are displayed by adjusting the zoom as described above. Please note, when displaying large numbers of patients, the rows will become smaller to fit them all on the screen without the need to scroll.

NOTE: Even after refreshing the page, the zoom will remain the same, so the Whiteboard will be displayed correctly on the TV screen.

We hope you found this information useful!