Some of the larger clinics that use Smart Flow have several doctors attending to several patients. Currently, the best way to organize them is to assign a color to the doctor and color code your patients as described below.

From the web

1. Choose the patient and click on the Edit Patient button:

2. Scroll the Edit Patient page, select a color for that patient and click Done:

NOTE: There are several predefined colors as well as the possibility to create custom one own using the eyedropper.

3. Now the patient will be highlighted accordingly: 

From the iPad

1. First, choose the patient, enter the edit mode by clicking the pencil button:

2. Tap the additional option button (...) and open the Edit Info tab: 

3. Here you can select a color for that patient:

NOTE: There are several predefined colors as well as the possibility to create custom one own using the eyedropper.

4. From now the patient has his own unique color:

Here is how it looks on the Whiteboard:

From the web

From the iPad

We hope you found this information useful!