Dear SmartFlow User,


We’ve got good news to share about improvements we made to SmartFlow in 2024, and a preview of some of the updates you can expect in 2025. 


2024: Improved performance, better support 


Last July we told you about investments we were making to deliver a more reliable SmartFlow experience. Here’s a quick recap: 


  • Weekly user experience and stability enhancementsBeginning in May we started releasing weekly iOS updates focused on enhancing the SmartFlow iPad app’s stability. The results: up to 50% faster sync times and a 20% increase in reliable iPad performance. 



Coming in 2025: New features, better communication


This year we’ll continue to release updates that ensure stable, dependable performance. But we’re also re-igniting development of new features and functionality. 


And your feedback is crucial for helping us do that.


What else can you look forward to? Over the next several months we will deliver user-requested interface improvements, more user experience and performance enhancements to the iOS app , and a new self-help experience


We’ll also communicate with you more frequently, so you know what’s happening and what to expect. 


We know how vital clinical workflow tools are to your organization, and that’s why we’re investing heavily in SmartFlow’s future. We look forward to your continued partnership in SmartFlow’s journey—thank you for your business!


Warm regards,


Your SmartFlow Team