Why does my Whiteboard look different in full-screen mode?
Modified on: Mon, 13 Apr, 2020 at 5:14 AM
Once you click the Full-screen Whiteboard mode button (on the upper right corner) and open the full-screen mode on your browser (by pressing F11 on Windows, or ⌘+Ctrl+F / ⌘+Shift+F on Mac), you may notice that the view of the whiteboard has changed. Such full-screen whiteboard view was specially developed for the whiteboard presentation on the clinic's TV screen, and therefore it contains minimal functions:
Regular mode

| Full-screen whiteboard view
NOTE: In the Full-screen Whiteboard mode, the Add Patient button, will not be displayed. As well as there is no possibility to open the flowsheet of a particular patient and make any changes to it. This was done to prevent staff from making changes directly on the main TV screen.
If necessary, click the Full-screen Whiteboard mode button (on the upper right corner) to exit this mode and access the regular whiteboard view.
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