As of October 13, 2016, Smart Flow has released version 9.11.131 of the Smart Flow App! The following changes have been made: 

1. Treatment tasks are now viewable on the anesthetic sheet:

As you can see below, when you start your anesthesia on the iPad, you can now view all the treatment tasks designated for that patient.

Now, your old discontinued treatment items will be retained, but discontinued at the start of the new template and will look like this:


2. ALS/BLS/DNR resuscitate options are always shown as a banner on the patient's image on both the flowsheet and whiteboard:

To let all of your staff know at a glance your client's life-saving directives, you can set each patient's status so that a banner will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the Patient's photo (iPads only). 


ALSAdvanced Life Support

BLS = Basic Life Support

DNR = Do Not Resuscitate

These are meant to differentiate between patients who need to receive very invasive interventions in the event of a life-threatening emergency and those who should only receive typical interventions or no intervention at all.

These options will now be reflected as a banner on the patient's image on the iPads. Options can be picked at the time of creation with the default setting being BLS. 

To change this setting go to:

  • Edit
  • Edit Info
  • Select the correct option
  • Done