How to change Inactive status of parameter in Cornerstone?
Modified on: Tue, 5 May, 2020 at 1:09 PM
In case you'd like to update the item and have it presented in SmartFlow, but it's not presented in the drop-down list, the reason for it may deal with an Inactive status set for this parameter in Cornerstone. For example, we have the Body Score parameter and set the Vitals Type Body Score (1-5) but then decided to change it to Body Score (1-9):

Go to your Cornerstone account, click Lists and then Vital Signs/Weight from the drop-down appeared:

In the window appeared, you might see that Body Score (1-9) is Inactive:

Open this item by clicking on it. Then remove the mark from the Inactive button situated to the right of the parameter's name and select species for which it would be used:

After that, select the Save button. The system will ask you to confirm whether you'd like to change and update this item since it's possible to have only one Body Score active in Cornerstone. So after pushing Yes, the previous item - Body Score (1-5), will be inactivated:

If you continue using Body Score (1-5) in Smart Flow, you will get an error message, cause Cornerstone doesn't see this item as Active Vital Sign.
To complete the update processing, you should go to your SmartFlow account and follow instructions to resync the item described in THIS article.
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